Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Home Style: Fortune Cookie Karate Chop

And now, a brief detour from wardrobe style to home decor style.

I was touring model homes in the newly developed Dougherty Valley and I noticed something about every single pillow sprawled across each couch and each bed in the model homes. They all had an indent in the middle and two ear-like points sticking up like a Pokemon character.

Here's what they looked like:

Well that's an interesting touch, I thought. They didn't have the same come-here-and-jump-onto-my-fluffly-goodness quality that most pillows have. They seemed so posed, like they were ready to be photographed, which is coincidental, since I couldn't leave the model bedroom without snapping a photo.

It wasn't until yesterday's episode of MTV's The City that I realized this look is actually an intentional decorative touch. Observe self-appointed "social" Olivia Palermo karate chopping her pillows, prepping for a visit from her friends. 

So there you have it. The next time you're having company over or feel like sprucing your home to look its best, don't forget to swiftly karate chop your pillows right on their heads so that they transform into pretty little fortune cookie shapes.

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