Saturday, October 4, 2008

It's Raining Uggs.

Ah, the first rain of fall. With it comes the fresh scent of wet pavement, the changing of the seasons, an increase of Pumpkin Spice Latte sales, and unfortunately, the inevitable crowds of preteen-way past teens very excited to break their uggs out from under their beds, where they have been hiding (as they should stay) all summer.

It's like riding around in your tricked out Hummer. We're not in a third world country. Our roads are nicely paved. No need. Have I missed the recent avalanches in Southern California? Do we live in a below 32 degree climate? No. The sun is out. Set your feet free.

Rules of the Ugg game: okay to wear with your sweats when you won't be in public for more than an hour, not okay to "dress up" a pair of designer (disgrace, people) jeans and your favorite bedazzled hoodie. Lastly, please please please do not throw on your low cut, one too many buttons left open A&F see through long sleeve, and your favorite frayed Hollister denim skirt with your extra tall camo or paisley Ugg boots. If you do live in an unfortunate environment plagued with torrential winds and snowstorms, be my guest. Go with black and keep it classy.

Feeling lost without your furry legwarmers? Try Steve Madden's Intyce boot here:
They will change your life. 

Save yourself the embarrassment and save your warm cuddly, i know they're so furry, but still not ok to wear on purpose, Ugg boots for your morning trip to Starbucks and then, for all our eyes' sake, take them off and tuck them neatly away under your bed with your 7th grade cheerleading uniform.

Thank you,


Disclaimer: yes, I wore them religiously in high school over my tucked in jeans. But I have since made amends with the fashion gods for my sins. 
Thanks for the photo, flickr.

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