Thursday, January 29, 2009

Men are from Mars

Samantha Potter. America's Next Top Model Cycle 11 runner up. Left: Before makeover. Right: After makeover, totally fierce. 

Men and women were not created equal. Men and women are inherently different. Not to say that men and women cannot possess similar characteristics, but in the realm of equality, men and women are not, nor were they intended to be equals. God's Word is very specific about their varying roles and makeups. Women have been campaigning for, and gaining equality throughout history. But is there a way to speed up the process? For women to shatter the glass ceiling and step onto an equal playing field? 

I have a theory. Women who highlight their masculinity seem to gain more respect than those that play up the female stereotype. I can't help but wonder, is the key to an equal playing field as simple as appearing more like a man than a woman?
The boyfriend jeans. The menswear trends. Short, fierce haircuts. Are these motifs a step towards powerful androgyny? If we wear trouser pants, vests, button down shirts, and looser, less curve hugging denim, do we gain more respect?
Serena Van der Woodsen wears ties to school all the time. Is that just an unconventional display of accessory, or a subtle cry for equality?

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